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December 20, 2009 - Happy Holidays from Jungle Friends

Dear Friends of Jungle Friends

It's holiday time at the sanctuary... the busiest time of the year in the Jungle Friends office, my second home. And, as the year draws to a close, it's a good time to pause, reflect, and appreciate - and to let others know how we feel.

I've been helping Kari with the sanctuary's "office work" for eight years now. I've had the privilege to get to know many of you in person, and even more by name. I know first hand that it is your support and devotion that keeps us going, day after day. Thanks to you, 120 monkeys are nestled snug in their beds this season, safe in their sanctuary home. We truly appreciate what you have given to them, and to us.

wendell marlee tam
simon miki marm lizzy

2009 has been quite a year...

It has been a year of struggle as the country's economic situation threatened the existence of many non-profit organizations. Sadly, some rescue organizations were forced to shut down. We are deeply grateful that, with your help, Jungle Friends was able to persevere.


It has been a year of challenge and heartbreak as we faced monkey illnesses, and said a final goodbye to some of our dearly loved friends. We are glad to report that - thanks to our vigilant carestaff and interns - Darwin is now fully recovered and doing great. Lucy, who lost her dear companion Marvin, has been diagnosed with cancer but for now is alive and kicking, feisty old gal that she is.

National Geographic filming at Jungle Friends... program will be airing soon!

It was a year of connecting with others. We joined Facebook and discovered a new forum to interact with our many wonderful friends, both new and old. Kari was kept busy with speaking engagements and media interviews as well as sanctuary operations. Our Las Vegas fundraiser 'Monkey Biz' was a hit, and our 'Volunteers to Vegans' initiative let us share hard work and good food with many!

It was a very busy monkey year as we welcomed 14 new monkey arrivals to Jungle Friends. They're not all on the website yet (as always - there's more to do than can be done!) but Marlee, Bessie, Meko, Miki, Tiki, Axl, Carli, Wendell, Ellie, Kinko, Katie, Buttons, and Zipper now have a permanent sanctuary home. We are glad to have them... and they would be glad to have sponsors! Maybe you can help with that holiday wish.


It hasn't been an easy year, but is anything truly worthwhile ever easy? 2009 was filled with opportunities for challenging and meaningful work. What more can I ask?

I am grateful to all of you for helping Jungle Friends survive, and for the ability to serve, to follow my heart, and to make a difference. I invite you all to join me... for a bright future and a better world.

Happy holidays and monkey hugs,

CJ Bain
Office Manager