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December 5, 2010 - Vote for the monkeys... and shop for them, too!

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,

We’ve flipped to a new month, and Jungle Friends is still in the running for the $250,000 grant from Pepsi Refresh! We still need your votes every day to get to the top.

Vote for Jungle Friends!

Please help us make this happen! The grant money will fund Jungle Friends’ Expansion Project, allowing our sanctuary to grow and give many more monkeys the chance for a new life. Please take a moment and vote right now, and every day!

This month we are teaming up with several other primate causes. After you vote for Jungle Friends, take a minute to vote for these other projects...let's make it a winning month for all the primate sanctuaries!

(Note: Voting has finished, previously included links are no longer active.)

Koreymonde Capuchin Rescue

Endangered Primate Foundation

Center for Great Apes

Then, as long as you’re online, you might want to do a little holiday shopping, too. You’ll find lots of great gifts right on our website… monkey sponsorships, monkey calendars, monkey adoptions… and the ever-popular gift for the primate who has everything -- original monkey art. (Please see: Monkey Art and Gifts Thanks.)

Need a gift that doesn't start with "monkey"? You can still help
the monkeys
by doing your shopping online at Jungle Friends' Market America portal -- visit all the stores you know and love, plus Jungle Friends makes money from your purchases... and so do you! Click below and get Cashback when you shop.

Shop now -- help monkeys and get Cashback, too!
(Note: No longer active, please see our Monkey Art and Gifts page. Thanks.)

Your support makes all the difference for them...

Jimmy Sr Baby Charlotte looking up

Thank you for supporting Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary!

Kari Bagnall, Executive Director