
  • Species: Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: January 12, 2015
  • Arrival: March 12, 2019
  • Background: Breeder
  • Character: Nuturing

Biggie, Smalls, and Tupac arrived at Jungle Friends March 2019 and were originally part of an illegal breeding operation. When officials showed up to confiscate the monkeys, the individual turned them over but ran off with several other monkeys.

It was initially believed that they were three females, but once at Jungle Friends we immediately saw that was not the case. Biggie was the only female and she seemed to be growing larger and larger! There was growing suspicion Biggie might be more than just hungry and gaining weight because of the great diet she’s getting. Biggie's rapidly growing belly made staff suspect she might be pregnant. On April 19th, we were proved right! While caregivers were doing an evening health check, they noticed Biggie having obvious contractions. Shortly after, she delivered a healthy set of twins, which is typical for marmosets. 

The fathers and older siblings usually do much of the child carrying, and both father Tupac and older brother Smalls have been a huge help to Biggie. As a former breeding monkey, Biggie's spent her life having her babies taken from her. While it's unfortunate that these babies were born in captivity rather than the wild, we're glad they'll be raised with a monkey mother and not by people, as so many of their siblings were.