Apr 8, 2008 - Marmoset Village...Home at Last!
Dear Friends of Jungle Friends,
It's been a very busy month at the sanctuary. We continued full steam ahead to complete the new housing for the marmosets who were released from a research laboratory last November. We have finally done it! Marvin, Tuque, Gizmo, Arnold and Ernie have vacated their temporary indoor quarters for the posh indoor/outdoor accommodations in the new Marmoset Village!
Marvin |
Tuque |
Gizmo |
Arnold |
Ernie |
These little darlings still need sponsors, by the way. Please click the pictures above to choose your favorite and sign up today! |
This has truly been a case of many people and organizations pulling together to accomplish a common, compassionate goal. We could never have done it alone! We would like to express our appreciation to Ahimsa Foundation, American Anti-Vivisection Society, National Anti-Vivisection Society, New England Anti-Vivisection Society, and International Primate Protection League, whose grant awards helped to fund this project. In addition, we are deeply grateful for the extraordinary financial support and above-and-beyond volunteerism we received from so many of our individual supporters. We even had volunteers who traveled over a thousand miles to put in days of hard labor helping these monkeys into a new home!
Eve, Kat and Paul made the trek from Illinois to build, plant and paint for the marmosets. |
Andrew and Lisa joined us from Canada to get the new building ship-shape. |
For everyone who wasn't able to join us in person and everyone who was here and wants to remember the blood, sweat and tears we've put together a picture history of the work and dedication that went into "The Making of Marmoset Village."
Please visit the photo gallery at the link below to see how we went from this:
To this:
More good stuff on our website. CJ has been busy getting one of our "Monkey Movies" online. Now showing: "Going Nuts!" starring Buddie, Wanda, Jimmy Sr., Lilly, Ebi and Jack. We're planning a series of videos featuring new cuts of the movies from our Hundredth Monkey DVD as well as all-new footage of just monkeys being monkeys. We think you'll love the movies and want to share them with all your friends and family - just add a link to your website or paste it into an email, or do what many have done and add the link to your email signature. For example, The Jungle Friends monkeys are Going Nuts! We will be adding more videos soon, so be sure to visit our website often to watch more "Monkey Movies"!
Also upcoming: it's time to plan for Animal Rights 2008. Once again, I will be presenting at the Animal Rights 2008 National Conference, this year being held in Washington, DC. I hope many of you will be able to attend, and would love to have your help with our exhibit. If you're able to volunteer, please let me know as soon as possible.
The next project at Jungle Friends is to complete the habitats for ten "special needs" cotton-top tamarins. They are being retired from laboratory research and are due to arrive this spring. Wait a minute- it's already spring. Yikes! Funding and building "Tamarin Town" is another huge project, but with all of your help, we will pull it off! The tamarins' new building, funded by the lab, is already in place, and the indoor cages will come from the lab with the monkeys, but we must still raise the money to purchase the materials to build their outdoor habitats!
We also need volunteers to help us prepare a sanctuary home for these monkeys. If you are in the area, come out for our Volunteer Saturdays (10:00 to 2:00), or let us know when you are able to help. Or, bring your RV and stay for a few weeks, like our Canadian friends did. And of course, make a donation to the Retirement Fund today!
Lots of monkey love, Kari and the monks