August 3, 2011 - Willy and Arie Together Again!
Dear Friends of Jungle Friends,
Most of you remember when our “Odd Couple” arrived at Jungle Friends last spring. Willy is a red-handed tamarin and Arie is a black tufted-ear marmoset.
Both were ex-pets who lived together since they were infants, both were facing euthanasia unless placement could be found – Jungle Friends to the rescue!
We were told that these two boys of different species were having some problems getting along since they were both reaching sexual maturity, so we were on the lookout for any trouble, and sure enough, a fight broke out.
Jane, one of our interns and Mayor of Munchkinland at the time, separated the boys and worked on their socialization to find out if these two boys could live together again, without problems. Jane had GREAT success!
To learn more about the entire socialization process visit our Monkeyshines Blog and if you have been to Jungle Friends and have a monkey story of your own, let us know so you can Blog to our Jungle Friends supporters about your “Jungle Friends Experience”!