July 13, 2011 - Another baby monkey is born at Jungle Friends...
Dear Friends of Jungle Friends, While Jane was passing out diets July 1st she noticed that Elizabeth had given birth! Jane radioed that the new baby was clinging to mom and that the baby’s eyes and mouth were opening and closing! Mama was also doing very well, eating and active.
Elizabeth and baby are doing great!
I set up my laptop near mama and baby to keep vigil. Thankfully, baby was soon nursing. Both Elizabeth and the baby seem to be happy and healthy. Elizabeth is running around her habitat and the baby is enjoying the ride and clinging quite well. The video shows just how well her baby can cling, even when Elizabeth is high up in a tree!
Enjoy the first footage of Elizabeth and her newborn!
Although it is unfortunate that Elizabeth’s baby was born behind bars, at least the mother-baby bond will never be broken. You see, Elizabeth was in a breeding situation and had her babies stolen from her only to be sold. So for the first time Elizabeth will not be denied the opportunity to care for her baby and watch her baby grow up – and for that, we are grateful.
We do need a Monkey Sponsor for Elizabeth’s newborn! More mouths to feed in this economy, yikes! The first person to sign up for a Gold Sponsorship for Elizabeth's baby will have the privilege of naming her baby. Please sponsor Elizabeth’s baby today. I would REALLY appreciate it!