June 27, 2008 - Jungle Friends featured on ABC's Primetime!
Jungle Friends featured on ABC's Primetime - July 1!
Dear Friends of Jungle Friends,
Angelle, David and Kari pause for a photo after filming the Primetime segment at Jungle Friends. |
Andy, Jungle Friends' latest arrival, was purchased as a surrogate child by motorcycle racer Angelle Sampey. |
We are thrilled about the segment airing Tuesday on Primetime! The segment will discuss the phenomenon of monkeys as ?surrogate children? and how its popularity is a growing problem. The story should also get a mention on Good Morning America and World News Tonight.
At Jungle Friends we have quite a few monkeys who were purchased as ?surrogate children?, including our most recent arrival, Andy, a 7-year-old brown capuchin.
Angelle Sampey, a famous motorcycle racer, purchased Andy when he was just a few weeks old. Angelle tells her story on her website. You can read about her life with Andy and how she ultimately had to give him up at this link "Saying goodbye to Andy." (Link no longer available.)
Primetime's David Muir interviewed me and Angelle here at Jungle Friends. I think David was truly shocked when he learned of the atrocities people commit when attempting to make a monkey into a 'child', pulling them as babies from their natural mothers arms when they are just a few days old, extracting all of their teeth, amputating fingers, tail docking, shock collars, well, on and on.
David Muir (center), Primetime producer Jim DuBreuil (right), and Angelle Sampey (center left) along with all the Jungle Friends human primates. |
Please send this post to everyone you know and post on your website or blog. After watching Primetime, please contact ABC to let them know how the segment made you feel and thank them for bringing this shameful practice to light. ABC Feedback
Lots of monkey love, Kari and the monks
P.S. Be sure to visit the Jungle Friends website to see the new video of Andy.