June 8, 2010 - Jungle Friends Expansion: Growing to meet the need!
June 8, 2010
Dear Friend,
Jungle Friends must expand! We have a unique opportunity to do so - and we need your help now.
Be a part of Jungle Friends Expansion - Donate Now!
As Jungle Friends’ national recognition has grown, the demand to provide housing for unwanted monkeys has also grown. We are at capacity, but the calls continue.
One recent call was about a ‘pet’ monkey, Yadah. The ‘owner’ was beside himself. Yadah had bitten his son.
The next call: Momo and Giz, two marmosets, were confiscated. Their final destination is Jungle Friends. No time to prepare; the marmosets are at the door.
We were asked how many of 30 squirrel monkeys we could accept if they were freed from research. The sad answer is… without funding for expansion - none.
Learn about the Research Retirement Fund
Jungle Friends’ mission is to help monkeys in need - and to open the minds and hearts of our fellow human primates. When we care, as individuals, we have the power to change reality, one action at a time.
For us, the next action is to secure the resources to grow. Coincidence or fate, we found the ideal opportunity right next door. A bargain buy at $200,000, the property would provide both room for habitat expansion and facilities to expand our outreach program.
When you say YES, we can say YES!
- YES to Yadah, Momo and Giz, who need sanctuary homes now.
- YES to the squirrel monkeys who have a fleeting opportunity for life outside a research lab.
- YES to a growing awareness that it is time to set aside inhumane research methods.
Please, say YES to the future that we can create together. Make a donation to Jungle Friends today!
P.S. Take one more action now. Tell a friend about our Expansion campaign and help Jungle Friends grow to meet the need!
Update from Primate Rescue Center - June 7, 2010
We were proud to partner with the KY Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources when emergency housing and waystation services were needed for two confiscated marmoset monkeys. Giz and MoMo were imported into the state illegally by a Marion County resident in violation of 301KAR2:082. Acting on a tip, KDFWR Law Enforcement officers obtained a court order and removed the animals from the private residence. It has been illegal since 2005 to import a long list of inherently dangerous animals to the Commonwealth - including ALL non-human primates. Too fragile for KY's cold winters, the marmosets will be transported to Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary in Gainesville, FL where they will live out their lives in the company of other marmosets.