November 22, 2006 - Curri leaves us
Dear Friends of Jungle Friends,
It is with mixed emotions that I report the passing of Little Miss Curri. I am deeply saddened that I will never again see her funny face looking up at me, always inquisitive. I also have a feeling of relief for Curri to be free of the body that could no longer 'run and jump like a monkey.'
Kari feeding Curri |
Curri had just put on record weight; she was even up to one pound at one point and was looking really great, better than ever actually. Then, on Monday, Curri seemed to be lethargic. Although she sometimes had days like that, on this day she seemed to be looking through me, beyond me somehow. Ashley checked in on her every half hour to be sure that she was comfortable.
Curri with Jessica |
Jessica, Curri's long-time friend, returned from out-of-town business and spent the afternoon with her dear friend Curri. Curri ate more Ensure than she ever had in one sitting. Sara felt that Curri was honoring her friend Jessica by eating so much for her.
Later that evening, Ashley called Sara and me to come to see Curri. We found that Curri was having labored breathing. On some level I think we all knew Curri was going to leave us very soon; however, I convinced myself that it was an upper-respiratory infection, something that we could do something about. I offered her antibiotic, which she refused.
Sara holding Curri |
We checked on Curri about 11 pm and she was still having labored breathing so we gave her some pain medication. However, she was very talkative and the boys (the other squirrel monkeys) replied to Curri with the sweetest song we have ever heard. We had never heard some of the sounds the boys were making and Curri responded to their sweet voices with her own song. This experience was something that neither Sara nor I will ever forget. It was magical.
At 3 am Sara went to check on Curri while I checked monkey heaters. Soon, I got the dreaded radio call that Curri was gone. Ashley also heard the sad news over her radio and came out to bid Curri farewell.
The day Curri died, she was in the Jacksonville Times Union for the second time; to read the story click here
Curri will be remembered by all who knew her; she made a lasting impression on everyone she met. Curri faced adversity with determination and courage. Her love for everyone she met was palpable; you could literally feel the love coming from Curri's heart into your own. We have all learned valuable lessons from Curri and we will all miss our Little Miss Curri every day. All donations in remembrance of Curri will go toward the Memorial Medical Fund.
Lots of monkey love, Kari and the monks