October 1, 2010 - Voting starts today! Help us spread the word.
Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,
It's happening NOW! Jungle Friends is competing in the Pepsi Refresh Project and your vote could win $250,000 for the monkeys! Please vote every day!
Pepsi Refresh Project – Vote for Jungle Friends!
Winning the $250K giveaway will cinch our purchase of the property next door AND build the habitats to provide permanent sanctuary for monkeys in desperate need. To win the prize we need your vote every day in October, and we need your help to spread the word.
Send an eCard now!
Paint a bright new future for monkeys in need. Take action now by voting for Jungle Friends in the Pepsi Refresh Project, and use our beautiful Monkey Art eCards to tell your friends.
Kari Bagnall, Executive Director
P.S. Be sure to visit our website for the latest updates on our Expansion Project. Thanks to the support of our donors and volunteers, we are continuing to build a future for monkeys in need. We have already welcomed Chucky, one of the monkeys on our waiting list. Next in line - Elizabeth and her babies!