Dear Friend of Jungle Friends, Jungle Friends just learned about a 40-year-old capuchin named Chewbacca, yes, like Star Wars, who needs a sanctuary home. Chewbacca has been living in a hording situation all of his life. The house is condemned, and the 'owner' has dementia and was moved into a home. Luckily, the family has stepped in to help this poor old monkey get to a sanctuary. The woman’s sister is feeding him every day and they will drive him to Jungle Friends as soon as a habitat can be built. Fortunately for Chewbacca, Jungle Friends supporters Michael and Courtney Connolly have stepped up to the plate and have donated the funds for a habitat for Chewbacca here at Jungle Friends! Hats off to Michael and Courtney!! And now for more good news…I told you about Sammy, the capuchin monkey at the defunked zoo in Arizona, well, National Anti-Vivisection Society(NAVS) just let me know that they will fund the habitat for Sammy here at Jungle Friends – but wait, there’s more, NAVS is also funding a special needs habitat for Elvis, an elderly macaque at the same zoo, who will be rehomed at Mindy’s Memory Primate Sanctuary. Wow, we know all the best people! We are still in need of funds for transportation to get these monkeys to their new sanctuary homes. So, if you're wondering what to do with that extra money, we can help you spend it!
Are you ready for great news about Brandy? Her blood tests last week showed that her kidneys are much better, but her white blood cell count went up and so did her potassium, so we had her on fluids for two days. I am happy to report that Brandy is nearly back to her old self again. Thank you so much for your kind support for Brandy's recovery - she is the best dog in the world! Lots of monkey love, Kari and the monks