
  • Species: Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: September 12, 2018
  • Arrival: October 24, 2018
  • Background: Ex-Pet
  • Character: Independent

Marylou arrived at Jungle Friends on October 24, 2018 after quite a journey! She was purchased as a pet when she was just a few weeks old, but luckily her human guardians quickly realized that she wouldn't make a good pet and tried to turn her over to a zoo in Indiana. While the zoo couldn't accept her, they did reach out to Peaceable Primates, a nearby baboon sanctuary. Their director is a dear friend of Jungle Friends and knew this was where she needed to go! When a space wasn't immediately available, Primate Rescue Center was kind enough to pick up the Marylou and take great care of her until she was able to come to her forever home at Jungle Friends! She's an incredible example of how sanctuaries work together for the good of the animals.

For such a tiny baby, this girl has a huge personality! Marylou is an incredibly feisty and independent little monkey. While she does take formula from a bottle or syringe, she always prefers to feed herself solid food. She likes playing hide and seek with her caregivers, sneaking behind a bed and slowly poking her head out until she's been spotted and then rushing back to her hiding place. And just like a true marmoset, she's already perfected the species's signature threat face, which she enjoys giving everybody.