
  • Species: Bolivian Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: June 23, 2003
  • Arrival: November 21, 2007
  • Background: Research
  • Character: Handsome

Michael was four years old when he arrived at Jungle Friends with his companion Ringo. These boys were bred and sold into research for medical studies; fortunately, the study was cancelled before they were 'used'. They narrowly escaped being sold to another laboratory!

Michael is certainly a handsome monkey, and has the most impressive and unmistakable squawk in the building! He is extremely self-confident and will threaten the neighboring white-faced capuchins whenever they give him sass. Michael and Ringo love patrolling their outdoor runways looking for action and handing out their opinions to anyone who will listen. The ‘Michael and Ringo hunting team’ is an unstoppable force in Squirrelville -- any living thing between the sizes of ant and garter snake better think twice before passing through!